We'll also be at the Radisson Culver City for Here Come the Brides' event...again, with fresh cakes for your pleasure!
26 01 2010
When I first heard about the LA Wedding Bootcamp hosted by Wedding Salon and Hansen Cakes, of course I had visions of blushing brides sweating out drill-seargent style to various aerobic moves. I scored tickets through Twitter (Thanks, Wedding Salon!) and thankfully learned that the event would be sweat-free! The intimate bridal fair was largely based on a Q&A type panel, with a moderator asking industry questions of seasoned pros like photographers, invite designers and wedding planners.
Though all of the speakers were interesting, my favorite was Jen of Jen and Kim Shoes. My size-11 Fred Flinstone feet have always deprived me of the opportunity to have beautiful shoes, but that doesn’t mean I don’t drool over Louboutins or Choos like any normal city gal. Jen makes custom shoes, and she told us about some great tricks for anytime you pop on a pair! Read below for some of Jen’s savvy tips!
Sexy shoes from JenandKimShoes.com !
1) Always go shoe shopping in the evening. Your feet swell during the day, so shopping at night ensures there won’t be any snug surprises when you wear new shoes for the first time all day!
2) If you’re going to be wearing a second pair of shoes at an event, ie after a wedding ceremony, pop the spare pair in the freezer. The shoes will be nice and cool, and revitalize your tired tootsies!
3) If you ever spill anything on Satin, do not use water to try to remove the stain as it can leave a water ring. Baby powder works great – use a little bit of powder to gently blot at the stain.
4) Before wearing new shoes, make sure that you’ll be slip-free by scuffing the bottoms. Rub the soles of the shoes on concrete, especially if you plan on cuttin’ a rug on the dance floor. New shoes can sometimes be slippery!
Pretty cool, right?! Another thing I loved about the LA Wedding Bootcamp was the cake sample I had from Hansen Cakes. The buttercream was so thick and delicious, I know I’ll be dreaming about it tonight. I wanted a second piece so bad, but I don’t think my weight watchers plan includes gorging on several slices of wedding cake!
Have you been to any bridal fairs or events lately that turned out to be particularly useful?
Stars get free stuff in the days leading up to major awards shows. You get free gossip, and all from the same place: the swag suite scene in and around Hollywood. The big gossip out of the suites this year? That hoovering up thousands of bucks worth of free stuff isn’t just for the ladies anymore.
Suites like these traditionally give away stuff like shapewear and cosmetics. (At least that’s what we’re, um, maybe seeing here in our own swag bag.) And they certainly did this year, along with your occasional electronic toy or tiny live animal. But the main contingent picking it all up this particular season? Guy actors, ranging from Ernie “Ghostbusters” Hudson to that dude from “Heroes” to the adorable BooBoo Stewart from the "Twilight” franchise.
“We’re getting more men than we’ve ever seen,” one spy from the Madison & Mulholland suite told me Friday. Indeed, Joe “Criminal Minds” Mantegna blew through there, filling up a gift bag to donate to a charity auction. (Every celebrity at the M&M suite did that, including Hudson, who is so passionate about local homelessness that he can rattle off homeless statistics instantly. His chosen charity: the Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles.)
And oh: Actors apparently aren’t too proud to take home a pretty candle that smells like rum.
“Michael Rady from ‘Melrose Place’ loved our Havana candle,” a spokesman for Tocca said to me.
There were also not-quite actors, including, reportedly, the Situation.
Still to be seen: Whether any Globe nominees or presenters take up GBK on its offer of a small, free piglet.
-- Leslie Gornstein