Friday, November 14, 2008

Edibly translated...

...a visual poster aids our artist (Suzi) in the creation of a cake for the cast of The Visit. The cast relishes an abundance of our butter creme, so she made sure to make this party cake using a pipe-on/airbrush technique instead of just printing the image out on our special food-safe printer. The dimension adds a sinister spin to an already haunting image!

One of the people at that cast party will not be able to partake of that cake (food allergies) so we made him a very special strawberry shortcake that he is not required to share. Yes, some consider our 6" round to be a single-serving cake. We don't have a problem with that!

Some favorite clients are enjoying 56 years of wedded bliss (and they still have a monthly poker game!
Here's to 56 more years of hold'n 'em!

Ah, a peek at part of our fleet! Check out the web-enticing magnets, leading right here! Set us as one of your favorite sites so you don't have to keep typing in our e-addy!
Have a great night!

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