Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rainy Day Working...

We're rollling out more and more cakes, even with the inclement weather that we so rarely experience here in sunny California.
Combining our photoshop talents with hand painted airbrushing, our decorators are coming up with some extra-ordinary designs for our beloved clientele.
This mod example is for the new ANdAZ Hotel (think of the old Hyatt on Sunset...) where they are just in the newly-opened stage. We had a very nice visit from the ladies in the event department there, and are looking forward to a very long working relationship with them.

Detail work makes this jungle themed cake for a special celebration. The leaves are modified from the famous wall paper banana leaf pattern at the Beverly Hills Hotel, with piped on leaves and vines to add to the jungle feel.

Ooh...the Gingerbread Man was hard at work again building his delicious model homes. Patrick has made enough gingerbread houses this week to accomodate every elf in Santa's Village plus their out-of-town guests.
Busy Man!

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