Tuesday, January 27, 2009

21st Century Cakes!

We are so modern. With a bigger-than-we-could-ever-imagine flat screen plasma television smack dab in the center of our freshly remodeled Beverly Drive studio (thanks to Master Mister Michael Willms) we now have a continuous slide show featuring our cake designs, bakery scenes, and Willms events. It's our new favorite show...even the reruns are thrilling!
Here's a peek at a cake we made for a film shoot yesterday...we'll tell you all about which show later. Gotta have some mystery.
By the way, talking about television, keep your eyes open for a cool new show to air, featuring an episode with our own owner, Patrick Hansen. It's called Tool Academy on VH1, and you're going to love it...set your TiVo!

Sunday we participated in Festival of Brides at the Beverly Hills Hotel...a gala extravaganza filled with wonderful vendors, beautiful people, and fun fun fun! We passed out so much cake that we practically passed out!

Patrick came up with these cleverly sliced samples for the Festival of Brides event...so creamy-good that people came back for more more more!

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